Thursday, November 2, 2023

What to Do If You Are Charged with Prescription Fraud in New Mexico


What to Do If You Are Charged with Prescription Fraud in New Mexico

Prescription Fraud in New Mexico- Raymon Law Group New Mexico

What is Prescription fraud in New Mexico

Prescription fraud in New Mexico, as in many other jurisdictions, refers to the illegal acquisition, possession, distribution, or alteration of prescription medications. It involves obtaining or attempting to obtain prescription drugs through deceptive or unlawful means. This can take various forms, including:

  1. Forgery: Falsifying a prescription or altering a legitimate prescription to obtain more medication or a different medication than what was originally prescribed.

  2. Doctor Shopping: Visiting multiple doctors to receive multiple prescriptions for the same or similar medications without disclosing the other prescriptions.

  3. Pharmacy Fraud: Presenting a forged prescription or providing false information to a pharmacy to obtain prescription medications.

  4. Stolen Prescription Pads: Stealing prescription pads from medical offices or clinics to create fraudulent prescriptions.

  5. Impersonation: Posing as a healthcare provider to call in or create fraudulent prescriptions.

Prescription fraud is considered a serious offense in New Mexico, as it not only jeopardizes public health and safety but can also lead to the misuse and abuse of prescription drugs, which can have severe consequences. Penalties for prescription fraud in New Mexico may include fines, imprisonment, probation, and other legal consequences.

It’s important to consult with an attorney experienced in criminal defense if you are facing prescription fraud charges or need legal guidance related to such cases.

Facing charges of prescription fraud in New Mexico can be a harrowing experience. Whether the allegations are rooted in misunderstanding or there’s a legitimate concern, understanding the legal landscape is paramount. We will provide guidance on what to do if you are charged with prescription fraud in New Mexico. Remember that seeking legal counsel from experienced attorneys, at Raymon Law Group, is essential in such situations.

Contact us at (505) 390-1040 to protect your rights and build a strong defense.

Prescription fraud charges can be complex and intimidating, and unfortunately, several myths and misconceptions surround them. To help you better understand these charges and navigate the legal process, here are some common myths related to prescription fraud changes in New Mexico, debunked:

Myth 1: You Can Ignore the Charges

Prescription fraud is a serious offense in New Mexico, and ignoring the charges is not an option. You must address the situation promptly. Engaging an experienced attorney is crucial, as they will guide you through the legal process and help you understand the severity of the charges against you.

Myth 2: You Can Handle It Alone

Many individuals believe they can navigate a prescription fraud case without legal representation. However, these cases can be legally complex, and the consequences can be severe. An attorney with expertise in prescription fraud cases will provide valuable insights, build a robust defense, and represent your best interests throughout the legal proceedings.

Myth 3: You Are Guaranteed a Conviction

Being charged with prescription fraud does not guarantee a conviction. It is the prosecution’s responsibility to prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Your attorney will work diligently to challenge the evidence presented and protect your rights.

Myth 4: The Charges Will Go Away

Prescription fraud charges do not simply disappear. You must address them head-on. Ignoring the charges can result in more severe consequences, including arrest warrants. The sooner you engage an attorney, the better your chances of resolving the matter effectively.

Myth 5: Any Attorney Will Suffice

Not all attorneys are well-versed in prescription fraud cases. It is crucial to seek representation from a legal expert with a track record of handling such cases successfully. Raymon Law Group, with their extensive experience in criminal defense, can provide the specialized legal counsel needed to defend against prescription fraud charges.


Being charged with prescription fraud in New Mexico is a challenging and potentially life-altering situation. To navigate these legal waters successfully, it’s essential to seek the assistance of a knowledgeable attorney. At Raymon Law Group, we are committed to protecting your rights, building a strong defense, and providing expert legal guidance during this difficult time.

Contact us at (505) 390-1040 for a free consultation to discuss your prescription fraud case and secure the legal support you need. Your future and well-being depend on making the right legal decisions, starting with seeking the help of experienced professionals.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Top 5 Divorce Questions in Arizona: Arizona Family Legal Services


Top 5 Divorce Questions in Arizona: AZ Family Legal Services

Top 5 Divorce Questions in Arizona: AZ Family Legal Services
The Parent Information Program in Arizona

Divorce can be a complex and emotionally charged process, especially when you’re navigating it for the first time. If you’re considering or going through a divorce in Arizona, you’re likely to have many questions.

At AZ Family Legal Services, we understand the importance of addressing these concerns, and , we’ll provide answers to the top five divorce questions in Arizona, giving you a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this challenging journey.

1. How Do I Begin the Divorce Process in Arizona?

To initiate the divorce process in Arizona, you need to file a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with the court. This legal document outlines the grounds for divorce and any issues to be resolved, such as child custodyspousal support, and property division. It’s essential to ensure the proper court jurisdiction and compliance with Arizona’s residency requirements.

2. What Are the Grounds for Divorce in Arizona?

Arizona follows a “no-fault” divorce system, meaning that you don’t need to prove fault or misconduct to obtain a divorce. The most common ground for divorce is that the marriage is “irretrievably broken.” This essentially means that the spouses have experienced a breakdown in the marital relationship, and there’s no chance of reconciliation.

3. How Is Child Custody Determined in Arizona Divorce Cases?

Child custody arrangements in Arizona are made with the best interests of the child in mind. Parents are encouraged to develop a parenting plan that outlines legal decision-making authority and parenting time. If parents can’t agree, the court will intervene and make decisions based on factors such as the child’s wishes, each parent’s ability to provide a stable environment, and the child’s relationship with each parent.

4. What About Spousal Support (Alimony) in Arizona?

Spousal support, also known as alimony, may be awarded in Arizona based on factors like the duration of the marriage, the financial disparity between spouses, and the recipient’s ability to be self-supporting. The court will evaluate these factors to determine whether alimony is necessary and, if so, the amount and duration.

5. How Is Property Divided in an Arizona Divorce?

Arizona follows the principle of “community property” when dividing assets and debts in a divorce. In general, community property is divided equally between the spouses. However, the court considers factors like each spouse’s earning capacity, contributions to the marriage, and the length of the marriage when making property division decisions.


Divorce can be a challenging and complex process, but understanding the answers to these top five divorce questions in Arizona can help you navigate it with more confidence.

At AZ Family Legal Services, we are committed to providing guidance and support to individuals facing divorce. If you have additional questions or need legal assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 480-249-7342. Our experienced team is here to help you make informed decisions and achieve the best possible outcome in your divorce case.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Parent Information Program in Arizona: AZ Family Legal Services


The Parent Information Program in Arizona: AZ Family Legal Services

The Parent Information Program in Arizona: AZ Family Legal Services
The Parent Information Program in Arizona

Divorce and separation can be challenging, especially when children are involved. In Arizona, the state has implemented a valuable resource known as the Parent Information Program to support parents during these difficult times.

At AZ Family Legal Services, we’re committed to providing comprehensive information, and  we’ll explore the Parent Information Program in Arizona, offering a detailed guide to help you understand its significance and how it can benefit you.

What is the Parent Information Program (PIP)?

The Parent Information Program is a court-mandated educational program designed to provide parents with essential information about the impact of divorce or separation on children. The primary goal of PIP is to help parents understand the emotional and psychological challenges their children may face during this process, and to promote responsible co-parenting.

Key Aspects of the Parent Information Program:

Court Requirement: In Arizona, attending a PIP session is often required when parents are involved in a legal separation, divorce, or paternity case where child custody or visitation rights are in dispute.

Content: PIP sessions cover a range of important topics, including the emotional and psychological effects of divorce on children, effective communication strategies, conflict resolution, and the legal aspects of parenting plans and child custody.

Benefits: The program empowers parents with knowledge to make informed decisions that are in the best interests of their children. By promoting responsible co-parenting, PIP aims to reduce the emotional toll on children and decrease the likelihood of contentious legal battles.

Topics Discussed in the Parent Information Program

The Parent Information Program (PIP) in Arizona  is designed to equip parents with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions in the best interests of their children. Here are the key topics typically discussed in the Parent Information Program:

1. The Emotional Impact of Divorce on Children:

  • Understanding how divorce or separation can emotionally affect children of different age groups.
  • Recognizing signs of distress or adjustment difficulties in children.

2. Effective Communication Skills:

  • Learning constructive and non-confrontational ways to communicate with the co-parent.
  • Strategies for resolving conflicts and disagreements amicably.

3.Creating a Parenting Plan:

  • Developing a comprehensive parenting plan that outlines visitation schedules, decision-making authority, and how parents will share responsibilities for the children.

4. Legal Aspects of Child Custody:

  • Understanding the legal framework of child custody, including legal custody and physical custody.
  • Knowing the differences between sole custody, joint custody, and shared custody arrangements.

5. Child Support and Financial Obligations:

  • Learning about child support obligations and the financial responsibilities of both parents.
  • Comprehending the factors that influence child support calculations.

6.Children's Bill of Rights:

  • Discussing the rights of children in the context of divorce or separation, emphasizing their right to love and be loved by both parents.

7.Access to Additional Resources:

  • Providing information on community resources, counseling services, and support groups that can assist parents and children during and after divorce or separation.

8.Legal Requirements and Compliance:

  • Ensuring that parents understand the legal requirements and court orders related to child custody and parenting plans.
  • Explaining the consequences of non-compliance with court-ordered arrangements.

How AZ Family Legal Services Can Help:

The Parent Information Program in Arizona is a valuable resource for parents going through the challenging process of divorce or separation. It equips parents with knowledge and tools to make informed decisions and promote responsible co-parenting, ultimately benefiting the well-being of their children.

At AZ Family Legal Services, we are committed to helping parents understand and navigate the legal aspects of divorce and child custody in Arizona. If you have questions about the Parent Information Program or need legal guidance related to family law, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 480-249-7342. We’re here to provide the support and information you need during this critical time in your family’s life.